
Yoga forAll Mini-Course Chaturanga

Amber & DianneThanks so much for joining us for this Yoga For All Mini-course. We enjoyed seeing your comments and questions come in, and we’re so grateful you’re coming along for the ride! In the first video, we looked at plough pose (halasana) and how to use props to make it more accessible for a wide range of bodies and abilities.

Our goal is to truly make yoga for ALL bodies, and just these few videos will help you to do just that – expand your teaching toolbox to accommodate a wider range of bodies, abilities, and backgrounds. We want you to become a more body-positive, inclusive yoga teacher AND expand your student base so you can be successful, and serve your students in the way that only YOU can do.

We want to share our experiences as larger-bodied yogis and yoga teachers (plus more than 50 years combined experience on the yoga mat) to show you how to make your classes more accessible to all.

Today’s training is about chaturanga dandasana and upward-facing dog (urdhva mukha svanasana). These poses are ubiquitous in many yoga classes, but when students show up and aren’t instructed on proper form, they may injure themselves if they don’t have the upper body or core strength to perform these asana with integrity.

In this video, Amber is going to show you how to use props to help students practice these poses while keeping stability and alignment in the pelvis. She’ll also demonstrate some ways to build strength using the wall, for students who aren’t ready to move it to the mat.
Now, let’s take a look at these two poses.

We hope you’ll enjoy this sneak peek of the type of training we offer in our full Yoga For All course. Registration opens for the course on September 14, and we can’t wait to launch the course again on September 28. We hope you’ll join us.

We know time and money is tight. We know that you’ve already spent a lot investing in becoming a yoga teacher. But we are confident that this course will make you a better yoga teacher. You’ll have more skills in your teaching toolbox to inspire your students, help the ones that need it the most, and reach a whole new market of students. We guarantee that you don’t want to miss this.

In the next free training video, we’ll look at the step-through. Many students have trouble with stepping forward from downward-facing dog into a lunge, getting the hands to the floor to step back to a lunge, and in general, getting from the front to the back of the mat, and back again! In the next video, Dianne will show you some transitions, modifications, and tips to hone your language skills and guide your students through these transitions.

We’ll be in touch shortly with more free training, so stay tuned.

With love & gratitude,
Amber & Dianne

Yoga For Everyone – Register v2

P.S. We want to hear from you! Leave us a comment and let us know what difficulties you’ve run into with chaturanga or up-dog. Have you used this prop setup before? How have your students done with the strength-building tips we offered? Let us know your questions.

Yoga for All Mini-Course-Halasana

Amber & DianneAmber & Dianne here. Our inaugural Yoga For All training class was a huge success. We had over 90 teachers participate in this groundbreaking class, and several of them have already been sharing their success stories with us.

These new Yoga For All Teachers have started new classes, gained more students, and expanded their teaching toolbox to accommodate a wider range of bodies, abilities, and backgrounds.

We want you to do the same. With the tools and tips we’ll share with you, you can:

  • Expand your offerings as a yoga teacher
  • Bring in new students from a huge, untapped market of folks who think they’re “not right for yoga”
  • Become a better and more inclusive yoga teacher
  • Bring the transformative power of yoga into new lives

This Yoga For All mini-course will give you solid teaching tools that you can bring to your students right away. We’re so glad you’re joining us.

We are two yoga teachers who are also yogis in larger bodies. We’ve both been singled out, shamed for our size, made to feel less-than. We never want that to happen to your students. That’s why we’ve created our online course – Yoga for All: Creating Body Positive Yoga Classes for All Shapes, Sizes & Abilities. We want to share more than 50 years combined experience on the yoga mat to show you how to make your classes welcoming to all.

Today’s training is about Plough Pose (Halasana). This pose is extremely challenging for both of us, and for many students in larger bodies (or with larger breasts). We are going to show you how to make this pose more comfortable and accessible for a wider range of bodies.

We hope you’ll enjoy this sneak peek of the type of training we offer in our full Yoga For All course. We know your time and money is tight but we are confident that this training will change the way you teach, forever. We hope you can join us for the full Yoga For All course. Registration opens on September 14, and we can’t wait to launch the course again on September 28.

In the next video, we’ll break down two poses that give lots of yoga students trouble: chaturanga dandasana and upward-facing dog. We’ll look at ways to prop these poses as well as build the upper body and core strength to perform these difficult asana.

We’d love to hear from you. Leave us a comment and let us know what difficulties you’ve run into with plough pose. How did this prop setup seem to you? Were you able to use it with your students? Any other questions?

We’ll be in touch shortly with another video, so stay tuned.

With love & gratitude,

Amber & Dianne

p.s. Did you like this video? What was your biggest takeaway? Let us know in the comment box below.