Module 2

M2: Homework/Reflections

  1. Please submit your homework for Module 2 through this form.
  2. Remember, if you have any questions, post them to the Facebook group. Each Friday, we will make a video answering the questions from that week, and post it to Facebook and this site.
  3. If you want to know what’s up next, view the syllabus.

Please note: Feedback for all homework/reflections will be given at the end of module 4. After the completion of all four modules, please send an email to with the subject line all modules completed to receive your certification and feedback

See you in Module 3!

Sun Salutations: Other Considerations

Let’s break down a few complex poses that come up during sun salutations, as well as a trick to help folks with larger chests!


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Supported chaturanga & upward-facing dog

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Transitions during sun salutations and between standing poses

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Stepping forward and back from different positions (hands & knees, down dog)

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Downward-facing dog at the wall, on blocks, and transitions with down dog

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Child’s pose

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Keeping breasts out of your face!

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Sun Salutations

In the videos below, you’ll learn many different modifications for sun salutations, as well as sun salutes at the wall and with a chair.

Sun salutations (classical, A & B)

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Sun salutations at the wall and with a chair

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Getting Set Up for Success

This lesson provides you with the practical tools and strategies you will need as you prepare to take your role as a truly inclusive yoga teacher. In this module, we will explore the common challenges for students in larger bodies and will discuss safe ways to approach modifications and progressive accommodations. By the end of this module, you will have the practical tools and confidence required for teaching to who is in the room.

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