Module 4

M4L2 Seated & Supine Poses

In the videos below, learn modifications for common seated and supine poses including savasana.

Janu sirsasana & wide legged forward fold


Seated twist

Seated forward fold

Happy baby


M4L7 What if there are no props?

What if there are no props? If you’re teaching outdoors or in a place that’s not a yoga studio full of wonderful props, then what?


M4L3 Backbends

In the videos below, learn modifications for prone backbends, bridge, and upward-facing dog.

Prone backbends – sphinx, cobra, locust


Bow pose

Upward-facing dog

M4L2 Seated & Supine Poses

In the videos below, learn modifications for common seated and supine poses including savasana.

Janu sirsasana & wide legged forward fold


Seated twist

Seated forward fold

Happy baby


M4L5 Inversions

Inversions can be really challenging for larger bodies, those with limited strength, or folks recovering from injuries. Explore the videos below for lots of ideas about accessible inversions for all!


Headless headstand

Dolphin & Forearm stand


Supported inversions

Keeping breasts out of your face!

M4L4 Transitions

Transitions from one pose to another can be problematic for folks in larger bodies. In the videos below, we’ll explore transitions.

Transitions during sun salutations and between standing poses

Stepping forward and back from different positions (hands & knees, down dog)

Downward-facing dog at the wall, on blocks, and transitions with down dog